GREEN BUILDING - What Does "Going Green" Really Mean?

Everyone talks about "going green". Probably makes them think of themselves as some eco-friendly proselytes while the rest of world are earth-villains. So, if you've been pressured into "talking green" without really knowing what you're even rooting for, well, I'm here to placate your secret panic. 

Let's find out all that green building is, shall we?

What Is Green Building? 

When people hear about green building, their mental idea seems to be such buildings with less negative implications on the environment than other kinds of buildings. Well, while that may be part of it, that doesn't give justice to the holistic meaning of what green building is. 

Green building is beyond a structure erected; it is a concept that captures the understanding that the built environment has to capacity to impact the natural environment and the people who inhabit these buildings, either positively or negatively. It is an intentional effort to reduce the negative implications of building while strengthening the positive all through the building life cycle. 

In the strict sense, a green building is one in which from its planning, to the design, construction and operation, reduces the negative effects on the climate and environment and increases the positive effects, preserve natural resources and improve the general quality of life. The whole idea of a green building is to have a built environment that aids the preservation of the natural environment while still being able to provide a building that serves the purpose for which it is set out for. 

According to the United States EPA, "green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability and comfort. A green building is also known as a sustainable or night performance building."

There's no particular class of building called a green building; a green building could be a school, an office complex, a hospital, a home or any other type of structure. However, no matter the purpose of the building, all green buildings must possess the same features.

Features Of A Green Building

Even if the contractors of a building claim that the building is green, there are a number of features that make a building stand out as "green". Any of these features missing in a building eliminates such building from being a green building. 

  • There must be efficient energy use, such as solar energy. 

  • The energy must be renewable. 

  • Waste and pollution reduction measures should be put in place

  • Re-use and recycling should be properly planned for. 

  • The natural air quality for the interior of the building should be good enough. 

  • Usage of non-toxic, ethical and sustainable building materials. 

  • The design, construction and operation should factor in the environment and the quality of life of the occupants. 

  • The design must be able to factor in the dynamics of change in the environment. 

Why Go Green? 

The industrial revolution was very important to our evolution and to getting us where we are today, but the problem here is the finite nature of some of the necessary natural resources needed for us to sustain the benefits of our enterprise. For instance, oil, which is one of the pillars of the industrial revolution is projected to run out in about 100 years at the current rate of usage, not to mention its effects to the environment when not properly handled. This is the reason behind the conversations we’re having everyday on going green.

When we begin to focus on building green, we reduce the dangers of further damaging the environment. Going green will reduce waste and pollution of the environment, conserve energy and other natural resources, as well as improve the general quality of life and health, this improving productivity.

What Does Going Green Cost? 

Straight out of the door, We have to admit that the materials for building green are more expensive, price-wise, however, if you look medium to long term, For starters, you'll be saving on energy costs in future because by going green, you conserve energy. 

Benefits Of Green Building

The benefits of green building span from environmental to economic to social and more. We'll take them all at once as much as we can go. 

  1. Energy Conservation:

Green buildings reduce energy and water wastage. In the US and some other countries, green buildings certified by LEED have been confirmed to consume 11% and 25% less water and energy respectively, than other buildings. 

In Australia, green buildings that are Green Star certified produce 62% less greenhouse gas emissions and 51% more potable water than other buildings. Similar facts have been collared of green buildings in India and South Africa. 

2. Conservation of Natural Resources:

Among other gas emitting sectors, the building industry has more potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as much as 84 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide by 2050. Green building helps to achieve this. 

3. Improving Quality of Life:

Green building allows for greater indoor air quality and high ventilation rates, which have been revealed to improve performance by at least 8 percent. Also, if we breathe in cleaner air, our health is better.

4.Improves Productivity:

When we have less bills to pay, we are happier and willing to be more productive. Green building helps save utility bills and other energy bills. Research shows that at least 280 billion pounds is saved on energy spending globally through green building. 

When you go green, you're helping to make the world a better place, yeah, no this isn’t the cliche thing to say. It’s true.

Got any building project you need professionals for? Let's help you get started on it! You can speak with our professionals at JPC Design Consortium to get you started on your project today. We also give consultation services just in case you need some more information for your project. Contact us right away. 


