What would be the fate of buildings without the professional touch of an architect?

You don’t want to know. And neither do I. The importance of an architect in your ideas for your building - be it adding a simple kitchen extension, or changing the entire structure of an existing house, or building an apartment complex with 1,000 units, the importance of an architect cannot be overestimated.

However, the task of choosing the right architect for your building project could be indeed herculean, especially if it’s your first time requiring the services of one. But not to worry, we’ve got you in this article; we’d walk you through the steps in finding that one architect that would birth your dreams into a physical building.

One important thing to note before we proceed, is that every architect has a design philosophy, and a huge part of that is what makes them who they are, professionally.


Yep, folks. Always ask why, so you don’t start second-guessing your decisions along the way. Always a good time to give some life advice in the middle of a serious post. No, but seriously It is a great place to start by asking why you would need an architect.

Architects spend years learning and practicing their profession and this translates to the ability to maximize space, natural light, storage, and budgets. This, they use when faced with various conditions, and over the course of a career, an architect would have seen multiple conditions and dealt with clients from every walk of life.

Architects are also responsible for negotiating complicated planning procedures as well as zoning and building regulations, which - let’s face it - you may not have enough stamina to stomach and navigate. And I know for a fact that many planning departments will give you the runaround until your architect shows up.


Of course you’re not going to ring up a random architect and then ask him to hold on a second while you gather your thoughts about what exactly you’re hiring him to do.

You should at least have a basic idea of what you’re looking to do, and the objective/endgoal. It helps when the architect has this to work with.

You should figure out how much you are prepared to spend on the project as well as how to finance it. If you also plan to so some of the work yourself, you should also plan for that. Where things are a bit fuzzy or unclear; not to worry, your architect will help clarify things for you.


Because there are so many kinds of architects who specialize in providing different services, it is important to figure out what kind of architect provides the particular service you need. Some firms, however, specialize in a multi-disciplinary approach and this means they can take on as many architectural services as you might require.

This is to your advantage,as it allows for a smooth transition between each phase of design and consequently resulting in a cohesive end product.

If you’d like to have a specific architect’s touch for both the designing and construction of your building, look out for architect-led design-build firms.

There are also architects/drafters who specialize in permit drawings, just in case you already have sketched out plans, or you just want to duplicate a design you’ve seen before.


Find out what architects design the projects in your area, or get recommendations of good architects from friends and family. Look through their portfolios and ask yourself if you like their style and approach to designs.

Make a list of all the architects that you feel a depth of connection with their design styles and methods.

The next step is to begin calling each firm on your list and asking if they are available to take on your project. If they are, you have a right to request to see an outline of their qualifications and experience as well as pictures of their past works. Then, you can ask for a quote, as to what it would take to retain their services for your project.

You can also request for them to take you to one of their completed projects. Asking for their pricing structure is vital at this point too.


This could be a very tough process, as you would have some inhibitions and cold feet in making the final cut. If you are like me who has an indecision problem, then you may find this part even more daunting. But you just need to shut your eyes and make that pick, what’s that thing they say again? Go with your gut. After all, no matter how much you delay, your project is waiting for that important decision.


That you’ve gotten a professional to handle your project does not mean you can now climb into your bed and have a nap; Here, team work makes the dream work. The relationship between you and your architect is crucial to the success of the design and construction of your dream house.

Ensure that you are actively involved in every process of the project and don’t just delegate decision making to a business partner or even a spouse. You’re going to have to live with the end result, anyway.

If you feel uncomfortable at any point of the project, ensure you communicate them to your architect. Feel free to air your opinions and ideas whenever you feel the need to do so; it is your project after all, not your architect’s. However, don’t become too overbearing that you lock up the creativity of your architect and hamper his intuition.

So, with these in place, your architect - and by extension, your dream home - is not too far away from your reach.


